Python Posts

Comprehension Syntax

By Andrew Babilonia

Python has a really interesting syntax known as comprehension syntax. We might have a programming task that asks to append a value into an array based on a conditional. Specifically we will be doing list comprehension, but this same syntax can be used for sets, generators, and dictionaries.

Python CLI

By Andrew Babilonia

In this post, I would like to introduce you to the python CLI. Back in the days of early computing, if you wanted a computer to perform a task, you needed to strictly work in the terminal.

Python String Anchors And Python Regex

By Andrew Babilonia

In this blog post you will learn how to use string anchors from Python's re module syntax. The re module provides regular expression optiions that were similar to the ones found in Perl. If you'd like to know more about this library, please see this link: Lib/